Unwrapping Serenity: Rediscovering Holiday Magic through Deep Breathing

The holiday season arrives in my life each year like the first crisp page of a cherished book—filled with anticipation, tradition, and the joy of uniting with loved ones. Amidst this festive symphony, I eagerly await its arrival, yearning to infuse our celebrations with enchantment. However, as the perennial architect of our festive endeavors, I often find myself chasing an elusive perfection seen only in the glossy pages of a Martha Stewart catalog.

Christmas Eve, a night draped in mystique! It’s when I don the secret Santa hat for my dear ones, spinning tales of wonder and merriment. Yet, in my quest to script an impeccable holiday narrative, slumber evades me, leaving behind a shroud of exhaustion on the very days meant for jubilation. The weight of orchestrating perfection inevitably heightens stress and anxiety levels.

In the midst of this intricate tapestry woven with holiday cheer and the pursuit of flawlessness, I stumbled upon an unexpected sanctuary—deep breathing. Initially sought for its calming properties, these breathing exercises became my steadfast refuge, a serene harbor in the tempest of holiday expectations.

The holiday season, for all its magic, can also hold challenges for many. For some, it’s a time tinged with bittersweet memories, a reminder of loved ones no longer present. Others grapple with financial strain, striving to provide amidst expectations. Loneliness, heightened by the stark contrast of perceived merriment, casts its shadow upon many hearts.

One surprising revelation was how deep breathing impacts more than just stress. Beyond its calming effects, engaging the diaphragm through intentional breath control indirectly supports the pelvic floor muscles, offering an unexpected yet invaluable benefit beyond stress reduction. Allow me to share a few deep breathing exercises instrumental in navigating the holiday whirlwind:

1. 4-7-8 Breathing (Relaxing Breath):

 Inhale quietly through your nose for a count of 4.

 Hold your breath for a count of 7.

 Exhale audibly through your mouth for a count of 8.

 Repeat this cycle at least 4 times.

2. Box Breathing (Square Breathing):

 Inhale deeply for a count of 4.

 Hold your breath for a count of 4.

 Exhale completely for a count of 4.

 Hold your breath for a count of 4.

 Repeat the sequence.

3. Belly Breathing (Diaphragmatic Breathing):

 Sit or lie comfortably.

 Place one hand on your abdomen and the other on your chest.

 Inhale deeply through your nose, expanding your belly while keeping your chest still.

 Exhale slowly through your mouth, letting the belly fall.

 Repeat for several breaths.

This year, I’ve resolved to release the notion of perfection. I’ve come to understand that the beauty of our holiday moments lies in their imperfections—the joy found in a slightly imperfect dish, the laughter shared over unconventional gift wrapping, and the genuine connections forged amidst chaos. Deep breathing has become my guide, gently redirecting my focus away from unrealistic expectations toward self-compassion. It's a reminder to cherish the imperfectly perfect moments, fostering gratitude for their authenticity.

A blog by: Teal Bettis


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